Welcome to our new space

Published by 05/10/2021 por Vertys | Share:


We offer the most innovative technologies in photovoltaic systems, through solar panels and inverters developed for the national and international market.

This photovoltaic technology has been researched for years, and came to demonstrate that it is possible, yes, to generate quality energy from an inexhaustible source, which is the sun, in addition to ensuring the welfare of the environment, and provide an economy of up to 95% on the electricity bill.

The benefits of the photovoltaic technology we offer go far beyond the roof, since it reduces the environmental impact in relation to other sources such as fossil fuels and hydroelectric power plants. Solar energy can also be an important tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Ensure 100% clean solar energy and an inexhaustible source. Contact Vertys Solar Group and make your quotation. With solar energy the only flag that is raised is the flag of sustainability.